
One of the MTI's biggest strengths is the volume of members who volunteer their time to be a voice and make a difference for the association members and industry at large.  The MTI has numerous projects, activities, and elements for you to jump in and start serving.  Serving in the MTI provides the Institute with the expertise and manpower to leverage resources, and be a strong voice for the industry, as well as, providing members a competitive advantage.

Listed below are the various working committees with the MTI that you can volunteer for.  Take a look at each and click the "CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS" link to indicate your interest.  The MTI will contact you to help facilitate your involvement once you have completed the online form.  Thank you for your consideration to volunteer and to help us be MTI strong.



Benchmarking Committee

The MTI currently provides three comprehensive benchmarking surveys in sales, operational costs, and wage/benefits.  These surveys produce historical trends that are used to help forecast the future with the MTI’s forecasting vendor.  This team consistently reviews the surveys and their reports, to ensure they bring value and meaningful data to the MTI members.  This committee meets via conference calls periodically to review the benchmarking programs and financial surveys.

Cyber Security / ITAR Committee

This team will meet via conference call throughout the year to discuss development, solutions and best practices for MTI members to use with their plants.  As heat treating plants upgrade, embrace the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 connectivity, best practices will play a huge role in data security protection.  This committee will play a key role in helping members work through the maze of solutions for the future of cyber security.

Content Review Team

As the MTI Academy’s content continues to evolve, this team is on call to review current, or new content, for validity and technical accuracy.  Anytime new content is being produced for the online academy, the MTI looks for a team of three people from this group to peer review the content.  This team doesn’t officially meet as a full team.  They are used specifically in small teams to review technical content for the MTI’s training.

Education Committee

This committee is in charge of developing the MTI’s educational and networking programming at each of the national meetings.  The committee meets via conference call to analyze survey results of prior meetings, and member needs, to determine what topics and ideas should be a part of the educational program at the national meetings, in order to maximize educational and networking value to those attending.  The committee also reviews the “Call for Presentations” for Furnaces North America’s technical conference every other year, as well as, monitor the progress of the annual YES Management Training Program.  The team meets a couple times throughout the year via conference call.

Next Generation Creative Team

This team is in charge of keeping the MTI relevant to the growing group of younger members, as well as, current members.   Currently this group is working through reproduction of all of the MTI’s online video courses and building the new Apprenticeship Program.  This team meets a couple of times during the year via conference call.

Safety Committee

This committee researches and explores workplace safety issues in the heat treating industry and looks to use the MTI's resources to help come up with industry solutions to maximize safety within heat treating plants.

Technical Standards Committee

This committee meets 4 to 5 times a year via conference call to discuss updates within the various technical standard organizations including:  CQI-9, AMEC, Nadcap, and ASTM.  The MTI’s official representative to each of those groups, Robert Peters, provides detailed updates in writing, and on the calls, to determine if the MTI needs to take any action as a group within the varying organization’s meeting.  The MTI has numerous members who serve on each of these affiliated groups.  The Technical Standards Committee provides a unified voice for the MTI to make a difference in each organization.

The following are the various organizations who design technical standards for the heat treating industry.  The MTI is always working to have members engaged in these committees, and to help write the standards heat treaters have to adhere to. 

Aerospace Materials Engineering Sub-Committee

This is a group of 25 to 40 captive heat treaters, commercial heat treaters, and suppliers, who meet 4 times a year in face-to-face meetings to review specifications in the aerospace industry.  They are currently working through numerous specs such as 2759 and all the slash specs.

CQI-9 Sub-Committee

This committee is under the Automotive Industry Action Group.  They develop the specifications with CQI-9 and the automotive industry.  They meet periodically, whenever they are revising the CQI-9 specification.

Nadcap Sub-Committee

Many members attend Nadcap meetings and it is a great opportunity to network with other heat treaters in the aerospace market.  The MTI hosts a reception during the meeting to help connect owners and quality managers. 

ASTM Sub-Committee

ASTM has a number of committees that impact heat treating.  The MTI is looking for members to join ASTM committees that impact the heat treating industry, and to become a part of the process of developing ASTM technical specifications.

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