Award Nominations
The Metal Treating Institute has a long membership history of incredible leaders in the heat treating industry. These leaders and innovators have paved the way for many current companies of today.
Each year members have the opportunity to nominate someone within the Metal Treating Institute for their outstanding service to either the heat treating industry, or service to the Metal Treating Institute. These awards are presented at MTI's Fall Meeting and are a great opportunity for the industry to recognize service and leadership in the industry.
If you know someone who has shown excellence in service or leadership to the Industry, or the Metal Treating Institute, please view our awards below and nominate them. The MTI Awards Committee will review all award nominees and announce the recipients at the MTI Fall Meeting Awards Dinner in Tucson, Arizona on October 11, 2023 during MTI's 90th Anniversary Celebration.
2024 MTI Leadership & Service Awards
MTI Heritage Award (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
Criteria: This award is given out sparingly and is the "most prestigious" of all MTI awards. It is given in recognition of the individual’s lifetime commitment to the betterment of the commercial heat treating industry with one or more notable accomplishments. It is awarded to an individual who has been, or is currently affiliated with, an MTI member company. The company does not have to currently be an MTI member company although it must have been in the past. The company does not have to currently exist or exist under the same name.
Eligible Categories: Commercial Heat Treater
Previous Recipients: George Bodeen (1992); Sam Whalen (1993); Jack Ross (1995); Bill Shedd (1998); Lance Miller (2003); Norm Graves (2005); Paul McCarren (2006); Doug Peters (2007); Harry Hall (2011); Bill Jones (2013); Gary Huss (2014); Don Gaydosh (2015); Jeff Uhlenburg (2016); Roger Jones (2018); Mary Springer (2019); Rich Penrose (2021); John Reger (2022); John Vanas (2023)
MTI Award of Industry Merit (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
Criteria: Given in recognition of current/ongoing commitment to the betterment of the commercial heat treating industry with one or more significant accomplishments. Awarded to an individual who is a current MTI member company executive/employee/owner.
Eligible Categories: Commercial Heat Treater & Associate
Previous Recipients: Fred Heinzelman, Jr. (1992); Merle Hoensheid (1993); Dick Blewett (1994); Henry Cooke, Jr. (1995); Tony Quaglia (1996); Art Lukowicz (1999); Chet Walthall (2000); William “Bill” Keough; (2001); Roger Fabian (2003); Gary Huss (2004); James Conybear (2007); Doug Peters (2008); Roger Jones (2011); Jim Sterling (2012); Jeff Uhlenburg (2013); Rich Penrose (2014); Michael Reichling (2015); Bill Bernard (2016); Jim Oakes (2017); Bob Ferry (2018); Andrew Bassett (2019); Ed Engelhard (2021); Roy Adkins (2022); Michael Mouilleseaux (2023)
M. Lance Miller Legend Award (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
Criteria: Awarded to an individual who is a current or former MTI member company executive/employee/owner. The employing company must be either a current or former MTI member company. Given in recognition of a lifetime commitment to the betterment of the Metal Treating Institute with one or more notable accomplishments.
Eligible Categories: Commercial Heat Treater
Previous Recipients: Doug Allan; Robert Harvey; Jack Ross; Jack Benedict; Herb Herington; Bill Shedd; Dick Blewett; Merle Hoensheid; Ed A. Stenger; George Bodeen; Chuck Hushek; Ed P. Stenger; Henry Cook; Art Lukowicz; Paul Tadlock; Elmer Cox; Rudy Ortiz; Don Uhlenburg; Harvey Dominy; Tony Quaglia; Sam Whalen; Forrest Doolittle; Frank Rassieur; Robert Weir; Norman Graves; John Ries; Gordon Van Remmen; Lou Haga; John Reger; M. Lance Miller; Ed Stenger; John Vanas; Chet Walthal; Harry Hall; Roger Jones; Bob Hill; Don Hendry; Buster Crossley; Bob Ferry
MTI Distinguished Service Award (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
Criteria: Given in recognition of current/ongoing commitment over the previous year to the betterment of the Metal Treating Institute with one or more notable accomplishments. Awarded to an individual currently employed with a current MTI member company.
Eligible Categories: Commercial Heat Treater & Associate
Previous Recipients: Robert Gunow, Sr. (1992); Lou J. Haga (1993); Paul Tadlock (1994); Bob Keough (1995); Dan McCurdy (1996); Henry Culp (1997); William R. Jones (2000); Wally Bamford (2003); Horace Knerr (2004); Roger Keeran (2005); Roger Jones (2009); William Braddock (2010); Mary Springer (2013); Jim Roberts (2014); Jackie Peters (2015); Bob Hill (2016); Jamie Jones (2017); Deidra Minerd (2018); Ed Wesolek (2019); Jim Oakes (2021); Ryan Fussell (2022); Paul Armitage (2023)
MTI Associate of the Year (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
CRITERIA: Given in recognition of current/ongoing commitment over the previous year to the betterment of the Metal Treating Institute with one or more notable accomplishments. Awarded to a current MTI Associate member company. No division or plant from the same company may have received the same award in the previous five (5) years.
Eligible Categories: Associate
Previous Recipients: Industrial Heating Magazine (2003); Surface Combustion (2004); Can-Eng Furnaces (2006); Eclipse Combustion (2007); J.L. Becker Company (2008); Super Systems (2009); INEX (2010); GeoCorp (2011); Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems (2012); Ipsen (2013); Throughput | Bluestreak (2015); AFC-Holcroft (2016); Gasbarre Thermal Processing Systems (2019); Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry (2021); Idemitsu (2022); Wirco (2023)
Emerging Leader Award (CLICK HERE to Nominate)
Criteria: This award is given to an individual under the age of 35, or with less than 5-years of volunteer service experience to the Metal Treating Institute. The individual must be employed by a current MTI member company, and must have demonstrated a commitment towards professional development through the Young Executive Series Program (YES) and/or the MTI Online Academy, a commitment to advancement of the heat treating industry, made an impact on the Institute through volunteering at the Chapter or National Level, and demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities.
Eligible Categories: Commercial Heat Treater & Associate
Previous Recipients: Jim Feltner (2012); Jim Oakes (2013); Jamie Jones (2014); Kim Srsen (2015); Glen Ottinger (2019); Ryan Fussell (2021); Heather Falcone (2022); John Quaglia (2023)
Questions on Awards or Process:
Tom Morrison
904-249-0448 x103 -